Friday, August 8, 2014

Transformation Spotlight: Jenny & her T25 Transformation

I met Jenny Schultz by chance a few days after we moved into our last home in Wisconsin. Jenny was on of our neighbors. I knew her as a wife to Nick, mommy to toddling twins, Faith & Jacob, and a busy, full-time accountant. We became friends on Facebook and caught up when we were in passing in the neighborhood. It wasn't until Jenny decided to jump in and join Team Beachbody as a coach and challenger that I really got to know her. I've gotten to watch her transform not only physically but in her mind as well. She grows more confident by the day and it is a wonderful journey to watch unfold. 

Here's a little more background on this amazing lady:Pre-twins, she worked out regularly and was in great shape! A little over 4 years ago, the life she was building with her husband was turned upside-down for the better when their twins, Faith and Jacob, were born. In that moment, like so many other moms, her life become about the kids first, her second. At the time, she was okay with that. 

People were always telling her how amazing it was that she had twins and that she must be exhausted. "Twins?! How do you have time for anything?!" Jenny started to believe them. She thought she had time for nothing but work and babies, and that meant ditching her workout routine. I was there to observe Jenny when she changed jobs from a firm that she loved to one that would provide new adventures and hopefully better hours. I think that might have been the turning point to her. According to Jenny, she realized that she needed and wanted to be a better role model for the kids. She knew something needed to change and realized that she had to put herself first in order to become a better mom and wife. When I asked Jenny what was going through her mind at the time, she told me, "I wanted more energy to play with my kids.  I wanted them to grow up thinking being healthy is the norm in today's world."

It was then that Jenny decided to give T25 out and become a Team Beachbody Coach while she was at it! She figured if she was going to do this then there was no better way to hold herself accountable than to help others at the same time! 60 days into T25 Jenny has already had an amazing transformation inside and out. When I asked her how she finds time for it all - wife-ing, mommy-ing, working, coaching, and transforming - this is what she told me:

"I am more determined than ever to make it work.  I always press play, no matter what time it is.  I realized I did have time, I just had my priorities different.  I always had time to watch TV at night, to be on Facebook....yes I didn't have time to workout?  Yeah that doesn't fly anymore.  I press play no matter what and I feel great after doing it!"

Jenny is down 9.5 pounds and over 13 inches in just 60 days. Check out these amazing transformation picture!! 

Jenny is living, breathing proof that excuses are for the birds. She has very little time, has young, attention-demanding children, and works 40-60 hours a week every week! T25 is a program that is doable for most any fitness level and is done in 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Between the simplicity of drinking one Shakeology per day and spending 25 minutes per day working in front of the TV, Jenny has been able transform her mind and body. I am sure she already feels like a better wife and mommy because she finally feels good about herself again! 

Way to go, Jenny! I am so happy for you! 


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