Sunday, November 1, 2015

21 Day Fix Meal Plan: Week 1

It doesn't feel good to write this in black and white. It's not something I'm proud of. It's not something I want to admit. But I'm going to do it because I think it might help some other new mom out there...

The first year of my son's life, I gave myself a PASS. And now, I regret it.

I passed on a tight meal plan. I passed on going 100% all in. I let 80/20 become more like 60/40. I pushed play but I didn't push myself like I know I can. I pass on myself, really.

NO MORE! No more giving up on ME. I believe SO strongly in my challengers and my teammates. I know they're capable. I know I am, too. So this is the beginning of holding myself to it, once and for all.

I love the 21 Day Fix because the workouts are effective but timely (30 minutes) and the meal planning guide is dummy-proof. You are told what foods to eat, how much of them to eat, how big the portions are, and how often to eat. The trick is in the planning and sticking to the plan!

So how does the meal planning work? You plug your weight into a formula and, based off of your activity level, you follow the formula and determine which calorie bracket you fall into. Once you have that bracket, you know how many of each "container" you should be eating each day. Foods are all broken down into categories and color-coded. From there, you fill in the meal plan from an approved foods list. This allows you to eat food you enjoy!

Here is my sample plan for this week:

My son is one year old now. It is time to put my HEALTH back on the front burner. It is time to start to prepare my body for another pregnancy in the next few years, God willing. It is time to start being comfortable in my clothes and proud of my body again.

I know I can do this. I know you can do it, too. I'd love to do this WITH you.

**To get your 21 Day Fix bundle package, just follow this link 

Here's to 3 weeks of kicking ass!!


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Put Down Your Dukes, Mama

Shortly after I gave birth to our first son last fall, my eyes were opened to a sector of our culture I did not know existed: MOM GROUPS. While their purpose is to serve as a place of unity, a place of knowledge, and a place of support, a phenomenon of defensiveness has reared its ugly head.

The age old expression that there are many ways to skin a cat reigns true in so many areas of life, especially parenting. You can breastfeed or formula feed. You can use cloth or disposable diapers. You can stay home or go to work. You can be strict or "free range."

While none of these methods guarantees long term health or astounding success, the truth of the matter is that we are all doing our best. 

MOST methods of parenting can and should be based on what's best for you an your family - methods you'll learn by trial and error. Some things are matter of fact (i.e. car seat safety). 

When a mom asks for advice on any of the given "up for interpretation" topics, many moms cheer her on, encourage her, offer constructive advice and support. And that's how it should be! However, you will also see mothers start to get worked up, worried about making sure that they proclaim to anyone that will read it that their way is best - the dukes go up and the defending begins. That defensiveness is often interpreted as an offensive attack, meant to put others down regardless of intent and the cycle of "mom-bashing" begins. 

My dear sisters in motherhood, it's time we stop it. Just because cloth diapers work great for another family does not mean you need to defend the use of disposable. Just because breastfeeding did not go well for you doesn't mean you need to start defending your use of formula. Just because you've never put your kid in time out does not mean another family is wrong for using that form of discipline. 

We all do what works best for us. It's really that simple. I'm a disposable diapering, sleep training, pacifier using, formula feeding work at home mama at this point in my son's life. And he is fantastic. He is smart, healthy, and SO happy. And so am I. But I am NO better or worse than a cloth diapering, co-sleeping, non-pacifier-using, breastfeeding mom. 

You don't need to defend yourself. Even if you're provoked, it's not necessary. Those attacks are coming from a place of insecurity. 

Let me remind you all: you are enough as a mother, as a partner, as a woman!!! You don't have to prove that to ANYONE. I wish that we were all more confident because if we were, when that bashing or provoking mom came along we would be able to scroll along and ignore her. You. Are. Enough. 

Ask for advice. Lend advice. Offer encouragement and support. Share knowledge. But stop getting so defensive. 

No matter what methods that you choose for you and your family, remember this: 

The only common denominator in this crazy journey of being responsible for raising independent, kind, smart, healthy human beings that ALL moms can agree on: LOVE. You must love your child. If you love your child and you do what is in their best interest, you've already nailed this whole motherhood thing. 

Put down your dukes, mama. You're doing a great job. 

Monday, August 31, 2015

It's the Little Things

Becoming a mom has taught me so much more than I could have imagined. The skills of motherhood, the things I expected to learn (feeding, changing, sleeping, etc), are nothing compared to what I have learned about LIFE and about what is truly important.

One of my favorite lessons thus far is that the moments that mean the most are the most routine and seemingly insignificant pieces of your day. The first time your baby gives you a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss; when he lays his head on your shoulder; the smiles and excitement from you little boy when his daddy walks in the door... THOSE tiny moments matter far more than anything. Living in and enjoying those moments make me a mother more than diapers and bottles and sleep patterns.

I have been thinking this morning about how the little things in ALL areas of life are what make us who we are. Each and every decision and action you make all add up to help you become YOU.

Let's look at this in terms of health and fitness.

Losing weight and becoming fit doesn't happen in giant leaps. You don't go from 200 pounds to 150 pounds in a month. You drop weight one-tenth of a pound at a time. That 0.1 pounds means NOTHING to most of us when we see our numbers on the scale fall. But the truth is, THAT is how it all happens. One teeny, tiny tenth of a pound at a time.

Marathon runners don't begin their journey running 26.2 miles. Most novice runners start with just a mile or two and work up! What is one mile compared to the 26.2 mile goal? Is it meaningless? NO!!! It is a hugely important piece of the puzzle!

I work with a lot of challengers. Many of them have a hard time overcoming their lack of confidence. Whether they lose one inch or ten inches in a month, they've made progress. I want to celebrate that with them! But instead I often hear, "I ONLY lost (X) pounds this month." As a coach I want to scream and shout and jump for joy with them. But they're down on themselves. This is where I get to step in and try to talk them up. I wish that they would celebrate with me!!! If they lost 1 pound in a month, its progress. If they lost 1 inch, it is progress. If they gained a little bit more energy, its progress. Long term health comes from PROGRESS not PERFECTION. No one is going to eat a perfect diet or workout with perfect intensity every day - we are human, not robots!

My wish for the women and men I work with, and for you, is that you learn to love the process in all areas. CELEBRATE each tiny moment, each small victory. When you keep that positive mindset and outlook, things start to fall into place.

I know you can do this. You're the only one the needs convincing. Go convince yourself.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Do You NEED a Coach to Get Fit?

Lately, I've seen some comments in Facebook groups where people are discouraging others from using a coach. They're fearful of "sales pitches" and "don't need those shakes." I totally understand that fear. As a coach, I never want to push product on people. I want to hold you accountable to using products that are wholesome, high quality, and effective. 

I don't understand why people say you don't need a coach because they make commission. Do we not need grocery store cashiers because they earn an hourly wage that is paid by the money made off of the groceries you buy? You can use self checkout, after all. But that is a ridiculous notion! 

Yes! I make money as a coach. I also make lives change. I am compensated fairly. I don't make quick money. I'm not part of a pyramid scheme. I put my heart and soul into this business and I find absolutely no issue with earning an income this way. 

Some people can cut their own hair and are great with box dye while others need a hair stylist to get them the look they want, some people are able to stick to a program and stay the course alone while others need accountability and support. 

I was one of those people that needed support. I tried for YEARS to get the weight off alone. I would lose 10 pounds, fall of track, and gain 12. This vicious cycle repeated itself all through my late teens and early twenties. When I saw an old friend's Insanity results, I wanted to do what she was doing. I'm all for supporting small business owners so I asked her how to order to program. I didn't need her groups or her crazy protein shake. She told me to just TRY Shakeology for a month and I could always return it for a full refund within 30 days. My results with the combination of Shakeology and working out were so astounding that I'm still drinking it daily over 2 years later. It isn't a diet shake - it's a full and balanced MEAL that has no artificial ingredients. It's, really simply, a dense dose of nutrition. And I'll drink it every day for the rest of my life. I'll give it to my kids. I'll encourage my family to use it. If it was a wonky, crazy, fad diet product, do you think I would do any of that? The answer is no. 

But it's not just the product that generates success. It's the support! Challenge groups, our online accountability groups, are a place where you can check in, ask questions, and fuel your motivation. You can learn how to meal plan, how to prep, and what to eat. 

Coaches will challenge you to change. We will give you a motivation boost DAILY in our groups. We will hold you accountable and check in with you when you fall silent... and depending on how much motivation you said you want, we will hunt you down if you still don't reply. If you're coach doesn't do that, ask them to!!! 

Coaches really do change lives. The coaches in my circle changed my life. Even today, I talk with other coaches daily about our fitness journeys, what we eat, what we can do better. 

It is our company's goal that, one day, having a coach will be like having a doctor or talking to a nurse - it will be commonplace. We want to help people work hard and get healthy the RIGHT way. Not with fad diets or quick fixes but with high quality, wholesome superfood nutrition and hard work in your living room. 

To the people that do it alone, I applaud you. I could not. I didn't have anyone to hold me accountable and I NEED that accountability. 

If you need it, too, please remember.. You do NOT have to take this journey alone. 

Find a coach. I'd be honored to help you - click here to sign up for me to become your free coach. Just get started. Change your life. 


Monday, August 24, 2015

Mom Guilt

Let's talk about mom guilt. If you are a female and are responsible for bringing a child up in this world, you suffer from this condition, probably on a daily basis.

So many of us, as mothers, are navigating this new world of women empowerment (YAY!) while still holding ourselves responsible to traditional ideals. We want to bring home the bacon AND cook it. Oh yeah, and clean the house, keep the baby alive, keep the baby entertained, make sure the baby is always learning, make sure the bills are paid on time, organize the house, do laundry, and every other responsibility that exists.

But can we do it ALL?? I'm starting to believe that the answer is NO. And I think that is okay.

I am an entrepreneur and a stay-at-home mother. I am building a business that focuses on overall health and wellness - physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual. I am preaching balance and I am NOT living it.

I'm going to be straight with you: I am overwhelmed some times. A lot of times.

Being a new mom of one while building a new business from home isn't easy. And things will continue to get harder - new challenges will arise. (Don't tell me to "just wait" - go read this blog post about it if you're wondering why). But really, being any kind of mom with any kind of job (INCLUDING stay at home motherhood) and any number of kids isn't easy.

We, as a whole, are juggling so many balls, including, but not limited to: child rearing, cleaning, laundry, cooking, working, husbands, friends, finances, PTA, sports, after school activities, our own health and fitness, etc., etc. etc.

It. Is. So. Much. Pressure.

When I think about every move I make and how it can and will mold Liam into the man he will become, I start getting anxious.

Am I teaching him enough? Am I overstimulating him?
Am I coddling? Am I neglecting?
Did I overfeed him? Underfeed him?
Do we sing enough songs during the day?
Does he watch too much TV?
Does he have too many toys? Does he not have enough toys?
Does he sleep enough?
Should I be trying to brush his teeth longer than the 10 second spurts he allows it before thrashing his head around?
Is the house baby proofed enough?
Does he get enough sunshine & vitamin D?
Do we need a more expensive/fancier car seat?
Did I kiss him enough?
Should I be telling him he is smart, kind, and beautiful more often?

Seriously!? That train of thought came from about 45 seconds behind a computer screen. It doesn't cover half of the things I wonder about.

Today I had a mini-meltdown. I had a mile long to-do list and I was just CERTAIN that Liam would have a good nap day. An hour and a half in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. That's what a great nap day looks like for us. I had so much house work and so much coaching work so I needed those 3.5 hours in order to be able to spend time with my husband tonight. Well, that went awry right away when Liam got up from his morning nap about 45 minutes early. The same thing happened in the afternoon. I got NOTHING done. I had to text my mom friends to talk me off the ledge.

Did I get it all done tonight? Nope. Will I? Eventually, I hope.

One of my friends said these words to me today: "Somethings got to give." I hate hearing that. I want to do it all. I want to be the traditional wife that has the house clean and laundry done and dinner cooked. I want to be the mom that focuses all of her energy into raising her kids to be independent, kind, generous, intelligent, non-asshole adults. I also want to be the badass independent woman business owner that gets it done and provides for her family. But we CANNOT and SHOULD NOT try to do it all, right?!

Luckily, I have a husband that says to me, "screw the cleaning, screw the laundry, I will cook." Even that doesn't make it easier, though.

The point of this post is not to provide a solution - I don't have one yet.

I usually don't share my mess until I've turned it into a message. But the message of this post is simple:

If you feel like I do, know this:

You are not alone. 

So, mommas, let's just work together and navigate through letting go of this guilt. Let's lift each other up. Let's support each other. Let's get through the tough days and love the crap out of our kids together.

And in case no one has told you lately, you're doing a great job.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Marriage Lessons

This month, Bill & I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. Before that we had been together almost 5 years. I've spent the last (almost) 9 years of my life with this man. There have been some awesome ups and some very low downs. There are some parts of our story that only close parts of our family know. But, its safe to say we haven't always had it (or made it) easy. We've conquered a lot and still remain as one in our marriage.

Admittedly, we still have so much to learn about marriage and life together. But I have learned a lot up to this point and thought I would share with you what I know to be true!

Early on, I learned how NOT to fight. I learned that screaming and beating a dead horse don't solve anything. I learned that hitting below the belt only creates bigger problems. I learned that sometimes walking away and thinking about the situation is not only helpful but necessary to make it through. I learned that sometimes you have to say, "I'm sorry, I'm wrong. Can we please start over?"

I have learned that men are not mind readers (even though that would be nice, right ladies?!). Without communication and expectations, we are bound to fight. I assume that he knows what I want from him - I feel like a lot of women do this. I used to (and still do occasionally) get MAD when Bill does something or commits to something that I didn't want. Or I expect him to just know we are out of toilet paper and to pick it up. But I'm learning that the more clearly I communicate, in all things big & small, the less reason we have to argue. If I want to go on a date, I tell him! I am learning to stop trying to will him to know what I am thinking. When I actually clearly communicate, he goes above and beyond to make me happy. And I do the same for him.

I have learned that most men (at least my man) pay zero attention to detail when it comes to things around the house. And that a gentle reminder to pick up your dirty socks from the floor 2 feet from the hamper and put them in the basket is required weekly. Same with the little hairs from shaving their faces. Gross, yes? Should we have to say something? Probably not. But if this is our biggest problem, we are doing pretty well.

I have learned that we both need our own friends. My friends & their husbands have become some of Bill's closest friends and the same goes for his friends and their wives. But girls nights and guys nights are a breath of fresh air. A break. A little burst of fun! They give you a chance to be a woman amongst women. When I am out with my girlfriends we laugh and tell inappropriate jokes and drink too much wine and recharge our spirits in a way that only being with girlfriends can recharge you.

I have learned that, contrary to popular jokes, whats mine is ours and whats his is ours. I've seen a lot of people fight about money in my life. And I don't want that to happen to us. We work on our bills together, verbalize our financial goals, and choose to look at our financial situation as just that: OURS. This has helped us avoid many, many arguments.

I have learned how hard having a baby can be on a marriage. This is where communication and expectations come back into play. As well as gracious forgiveness on my husband's part. I can't even remember the ridiculous things that I cried about to him while I was pregnant and newly postpartum, but there were a lot. I do remember sobbing because I was SO happy he brought me a hot cup of coffee into bed one morning - that one is a pleasant memory. But I also yelled and cried about some ridiculous things. And Liam has tested our patience in ways we didn't know were possible. But, man, seeing your husband turn into a father might be the most heart-warming and amazing thing you could ever witness. We are both better and stronger for conquering parenting as a team, but that does not make it easy.

And, I think the MOST important thing I have learned thus far is that we have to put each other first or this will never work. Ever. Our priority is each other and our family. If something does not align with that, we just won't do it. I think spouses must come before kids, before extended family, before friends, before work, before everything. It is what Chalene Johnson, who I LOVE, teaches all of the time. A strong couple can conquer anything together. And making each other the priority means that you are both on the same page. Our individual career goals are a priority for both of us, which means that when sacrifices need to be made we are both on the same page about them!

We sure as hell do not know it all. We have awesome weeks and months and horrendous weeks and months as a couple. We argue about the dumbest things (like that Bill didn't get coffee ready to push "brew" before bed like I asked him to last night so I had to make it while the baby waited for breakfast). But we have some amazing role models to look for when it comes to marriages. We learn from them and we learn from each other every day.

Happy anniversary, honey. I love you, oh, so well.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Coach Summit 2015

If you follow me on Facebook, you know that I have just spent three days at our annual Coach Summit. This year it was held in Nashville (one of my all time favorite places!). Summit is a yearly event that involves workshops, workouts, motivational speakers, and celebrating successes. Each day is filled to the brim with fun and learning... and fun while learning.

This year, I learned a lot... A TON! To even attempt to get it all out in one post seems laughable. So instead, here are my top five lessons and takeaways from Coach Summit 2015.

1. Beachbody will never stop putting out amazing products.

---> CIZE. We all knew this was coming. But I got to see some of the workouts that hadn't been released for previewing while we were in Nashville and I can't tell you how much MORE excited I am. This program looks like it is going to be so FUN. Everyone that has done it has said that it does not feel like exercise at all!! It is out NOW and I've already got my copy. I'm starting a beta-test group on August 3rd so be sure to be in touch with me if you want to claim your spot!! 

---> Shakeology Boosts. This one was a huge surprise. We have just released three BOOSTS that can be added into your Shakeology routine. They are: Focused Energy (supports mental clarity, alertness, & focus), Power Greens (supports the body's natural acid/alkaline base), and Digestive Health (supports regularity & digestive health). Shakeology is already an amazing daily meal replacement, chalk-full of nutrition. These boosts are for the times and days that you need even MORE of the good stuff. 

---> The Performance Supplements line. If you are familiar with the fitness world, you know there are tons of supplements you can take to maximize your body's performance level. Beachbody has decided to venture into this world of performance supplements with a safe, effective line of their own. We now have Energize (pre-workout), Hydrate (during-workout), Recover (post-workout), Recharge (nighttime formula), and Creatine! 

---> The Master's Hammer and Chisel. Another new program is on the horizon!! And this time, TWO superstar celebrity trainers teamed up to make THE perfect programs. The Hammer and Chisel will work together to  help you both build muscle and chisel away the fat and help you work toward a perfectly cut and tone body. This program is set to release in late 2015 -- stay tuned for more info as it becomes available to us!

2. This company invests a LOT in its people.

You wouldn't believe some of the things we were treated to as coaches attending this event. For starters, our events were all held at one of three places: Nashville's Music City Center (a gigantic convention center), Bridgestone Arena (home of the Nashville Predators hockey team), and LP Field (which is now called Nissan Stadium as of last week), home of the Tennessee Titans. Professional sports arenas rented out for US. Isn't that crazy?!

The event staff was incredible. They worked so hard to make every change of venue, every event, and every part of the day seem to run seamlessly. And they did it with a smile on their face.

The presenters were AMAZING. On top of hearing from top coaches in the company, our senior level executives hosted every event, and we were treated to keynote speeches from both Simon Sinek and Dewitt Jones. If you've ever had the pleasure of hearing either of these men speak, you know what a privilege this is. If you haven't, you should absolutely spend some time on YouTube today listening to them!!

Beachbody even shut down Broadway, the main drag in downtown Nashville, for a Superworkout that almost 20,000 people attended! Five celebrity trainers (Sagi Kalev, Tony Horton, Chalene Johnson, Autumn Calabrese, and Shaun T) and coaches as far as the eye could see! 

And on top of all of that, the parties were over the top fun for everyone involved, as always. Beachbody spares no expense when it comes to treating it's well-deserving coaches.

3. There are people in this company that are so genuinely kind and thoughtful.

I've been planning to be at this event for over a year. I planned for my husband and son to join me and thought I might stay with some of our family that lives in the Nashville area. That changed last minute due to Bill not being able to make it AND me realizing that driving back and forth 30 minutes into and out of town for each event would really take up a huge chunk of my day. So what's a girl to do?! No hotel room?! No back up plan?!

I'll tell you what this girl did: phone a friend. I reached out to two of my success partners and they instantly told me I was welcome to stay with them. It didn't matter that I would be cramping their room up and adding to the chaos. It didn't matter that they had already made plans. It didn't matter that I am not on their team. Their entire room AND adjoining room full of their teammates didn't blink an eye. They just said YES. They accepted me as one of their own and made me feel a part of something; that I mattered.

Beachbody is full of these types of people. Are there people that aren't quite as kind? Well, yes, out of 25,000 people at a conference there is bound to be a few bad eggs. But I'm being honest when I tell you they're few and far between. Most every coach I spent time with on this trip cares more about PEOPLE than things; more about living a life they can be proud of than material goods or money.

It is so rare to find so many amazing people in one place. But this trip reminded me that I am part of an organization of life-changers and most people in this business of positivity and motivation are genuinely, amazingly kind humans.

4. Your business (you could also sub in life, relationship, career) is exactly where it is today based on the time and effort you've put into it up until today.

This is an adaptation of a quote from one of our speakers during a workshop. The words flew out of his mouth and hit me in the face like a ton of bricks. How true is this?!?!

He was discussing our business as coaches. You see, it's very easy to compare yourself to other coaches. You may know someone that started at the same time as you and has propelled their business forward much faster than yours. The bitterness or envy can creep in quickly. But when our presenter spoke these words, you could feel the self-realization in the room.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that this is true of ALL aspects of life. We are where we are because of the time and effort we have put into each area of our lives. WE control our actions and therefor we control our results!!! Pretty empowering, eh?!

5. I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

This business seemed a little silly to me when I started. I was apprehensive about it being a multi level marketing company until I found out we have a A+ rating with the BBB. I was apprehensive about not being skinny or super fit until I realized that more people related to ME and my struggles than the ideal version of me that lives in my brain. I was apprehensive that this business would be full of self-centered selfie takers until I realized that it was full of tons of selfless and kind selfie takers (LOL).

Without this business, I would definitely have HAD to go back to nursing already and would not have been able to spend these last 9 months with Liam. I am so happy that I said YES to this opportunity. It has not only given me amazing tools for person growth but it has given me a few lifelong friends. And that right there makes it all worth it.

I cannot wait to see what the next year brings. My ticket is booked for Summit 2016. Mark my words, I'll have a team of amazing coaches with me. I'll earn that on stage recognition. Me and my team - we will make BIG things happen in the next 12 months!!! Will you join us?!?


PS fill out this form for more info on joining us NOW! :)

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