When you set goals for yourself, one of the first things you should do when you are done is to share them with one of your supporters. Though you may not think of it often, when we are accountable to someone else, we are more likely to get things DONE!
Think back to your school days. When you had a huge project due at the end of the semester but were assigned it at the beginning, how many times did you wait to start until it was a week from the due date? There were no check points. No accountability throughout the term.
This is similar to health and fitness! When you have a goal and take on a fitness journey independently, it is easy to fall off the wagon. No one will know if you skip the gym today. No one saw you eat that cupcake. No biggie, right? Wrong! These are the actions that interrupt our plan and, in turn, interrupt our success!
Accountability groups are how I got my own health under control. You see, prior to joining a Beachbody Challenge Group, I was going to “do it on my own.” I’d lose 10 pounds and then gain 5. Lose those 5 and gain back 10. I wasn’t accountable to anyone but myself! With challenge groups, you have a personal coach that makes it their mission to ensure your success. They guide you and motivate you and help you plan to overcome struggles. The entire private Facebook group WANTS to see you succeed. You form relationships with other challengers and think about them before you skip that workout! Plus, if you skip your workout, how will you post a sweaty pic?!
The lesson here is that when you have someone that is rooting for you, supporting you, and that you have to report to from time to time, you are more likely to succeed. If it’s a financial goal you have, share weekly progress updates on the status of your spending with your spouse. If you want to get more organized, who can you have to advise you? If you want to make a promotion at work, find a mentor to share your successes, struggles, and progress with! Whatever it is, find a partner to help you succeed!
If you are interested in challenge groups as a LIFESTYLE solution to achieve optimal levels of health and fitness, be sure to email me at christinapiercefitness@gmail.com!
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