The benefits of exercising before, during, and after pregnancy are well documented. I can tell you that for me, exercise has helped to counteract a lot of the typical pregnancy symptoms that so many of us experience! Exercising during can combat fatigue and constipation. It increases the size of the placenta that is your baby's life source! It also can help you cope both physically and emotionally as your body changes - I mean, a sweat sesh alleviates a lot of my weepiness!! Exercising while pregnant also helps to regulate blood sugar, which decreases your likelihood of acquiring gestational diabetes!
It still amazes me that some people think it's BAD to workout when pregnant. If you are like me, your attitude is that you are pregnant, not broken. Sure, I will modify. Sure, I will ask for help when needed. But unless the doctor tells me to, I refuse to sit around like a bump on a log for 9 months! I am going to show my kids what it is like to live HEALTHY and I am starting NOW.
I've done some research on what pregnant women can and cannot do and, to be honest, we can do a lot. There are also some restrictions to consider. Before I start, I will make the legal disclaimer now - consult your physician before beginning OR continuing with any fitness routine during pregnancy. What follows in this post is the information I have collected from various sources as well as tales from my own experience! I am a smart lady and nurse, but I'm not your doctor or midwife - they know what is best for you and your individual case!!!
When we get pregnant, the body starts making this hormone called Relaxin. It's job is to soften and loosen ligaments in the body slowly over time so that when it is time to bring a baby into the world, the birth canal and pelvis are prepared. Relaxin, however, doesn't just do its work in one area. It ends up affecting the ENTIRE body. Pregnancy heartburn is due to relaxin loosening the sphincter between your stomach and esophagus. Your hips might hurt more because the ligaments around them are shifting. For this reason, there are some things that are awesome for pregnant women, and others that suddenly require a second thought.
First things first: here is a list of a few things to avoid:
Anything that could harm the baby or cause a decrease in blood or oxygen flow to the uterus is discouraged. That is why would shouldn't hold your breath or even get your heart rate up too high! Moves like crunches, push-ups, chin-ups, and planks are to be done with extreme caution -- in fact they're not recommended! Same goes for off-road running. Moral of the story: blood and oxygen carry life and your uterus houses it - don't alter those in any extreme ways!
Now let's talk about what we preggos CAN do!!! The list is long, it varies, and is modifiable. When reading all of the mommy blogs, medical websites, and research papers, these exercises were a common theme:
- Swimming
- Jogging
- Walking
- Bicycling or Cycling Class
- Prenatal Fitness Classes
- Strength Training --> Momma's gotta be ready to lift that toddler so life those weights, girl!!!
- Yoga
From what I have heard, if you were doing it before you are pregnant, it is safe to do during for the most part. That is why Crossfitters can still Crossfit and runners can still run! Your body is well-equipped to handle both most of the time. You can simply modify for things that are recommended to avoid during pregnancy. The opposite is also true - if you are not a runner, it is not recommended that you start running while pregnant. You want to start slow if you are a beginner - walk, swim, light weight lifting, etcetera. And again, ALWAYS, ALWAYS consult your physician!!!
If you have been watching the news lately, you know that an amazing woman just made headlines for running a qualifying race of the U.S. Women's Track Team 8 months pregnant (in case you missed it ---> Pregnant women everywhere are proving that we are perfectly capable of physical activity!!! Science has shown us that healthier, more active mothers gives us healthier, more active babies! Gone are the days of condescending looks being given to pregnant ladies at the gym -- or at least gone they SHOULD be! If someone gives you a dirty look while working out, just know that they're the weirdo :)
If you are listening to your body, following your doctor's guidelines, and being active, you are doing the right thing!! So POWER TO YOU, girl!
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