This year, I learned a lot... A TON! To even attempt to get it all out in one post seems laughable. So instead, here are my top five lessons and takeaways from Coach Summit 2015.
1. Beachbody will never stop putting out amazing products.
---> CIZE. We all knew this was coming. But I got to see some of the workouts that hadn't been released for previewing while we were in Nashville and I can't tell you how much MORE excited I am. This program looks like it is going to be so FUN. Everyone that has done it has said that it does not feel like exercise at all!! It is out NOW and I've already got my copy. I'm starting a beta-test group on August 3rd so be sure to be in touch with me if you want to claim your spot!!
---> Shakeology Boosts. This one was a huge surprise. We have just released three BOOSTS that can be added into your Shakeology routine. They are: Focused Energy (supports mental clarity, alertness, & focus), Power Greens (supports the body's natural acid/alkaline base), and Digestive Health (supports regularity & digestive health). Shakeology is already an amazing daily meal replacement, chalk-full of nutrition. These boosts are for the times and days that you need even MORE of the good stuff.
---> The Performance Supplements line. If you are familiar with the fitness world, you know there are tons of supplements you can take to maximize your body's performance level. Beachbody has decided to venture into this world of performance supplements with a safe, effective line of their own. We now have Energize (pre-workout), Hydrate (during-workout), Recover (post-workout), Recharge (nighttime formula), and Creatine!
---> The Master's Hammer and Chisel. Another new program is on the horizon!! And this time, TWO superstar celebrity trainers teamed up to make THE perfect programs. The Hammer and Chisel will work together to help you both build muscle and chisel away the fat and help you work toward a perfectly cut and tone body. This program is set to release in late 2015 -- stay tuned for more info as it becomes available to us!
2. This company invests a LOT in its people.
You wouldn't believe some of the things we were treated to as coaches attending this event. For starters, our events were all held at one of three places: Nashville's Music City Center (a gigantic convention center), Bridgestone Arena (home of the Nashville Predators hockey team), and LP Field (which is now called Nissan Stadium as of last week), home of the Tennessee Titans. Professional sports arenas rented out for US. Isn't that crazy?!
The event staff was incredible. They worked so hard to make every change of venue, every event, and every part of the day seem to run seamlessly. And they did it with a smile on their face.
The presenters were AMAZING. On top of hearing from top coaches in the company, our senior level executives hosted every event, and we were treated to keynote speeches from both Simon Sinek and Dewitt Jones. If you've ever had the pleasure of hearing either of these men speak, you know what a privilege this is. If you haven't, you should absolutely spend some time on YouTube today listening to them!!
Beachbody even shut down Broadway, the main drag in downtown Nashville, for a Superworkout that almost 20,000 people attended! Five celebrity trainers (Sagi Kalev, Tony Horton, Chalene Johnson, Autumn Calabrese, and Shaun T) and coaches as far as the eye could see!
And on top of all of that, the parties were over the top fun for everyone involved, as always. Beachbody spares no expense when it comes to treating it's well-deserving coaches.
3. There are people in this company that are so genuinely kind and thoughtful.
I've been planning to be at this event for over a year. I planned for my husband and son to join me and thought I might stay with some of our family that lives in the Nashville area. That changed last minute due to Bill not being able to make it AND me realizing that driving back and forth 30 minutes into and out of town for each event would really take up a huge chunk of my day. So what's a girl to do?! No hotel room?! No back up plan?!
I'll tell you what this girl did: phone a friend. I reached out to two of my success partners and they instantly told me I was welcome to stay with them. It didn't matter that I would be cramping their room up and adding to the chaos. It didn't matter that they had already made plans. It didn't matter that I am not on their team. Their entire room AND adjoining room full of their teammates didn't blink an eye. They just said YES. They accepted me as one of their own and made me feel a part of something; that I mattered.
It is so rare to find so many amazing people in one place. But this trip reminded me that I am part of an organization of life-changers and most people in this business of positivity and motivation are genuinely, amazingly kind humans.
4. Your business (you could also sub in life, relationship, career) is exactly where it is today based on the time and effort you've put into it up until today.
This is an adaptation of a quote from one of our speakers during a workshop. The words flew out of his mouth and hit me in the face like a ton of bricks. How true is this?!?!
He was discussing our business as coaches. You see, it's very easy to compare yourself to other coaches. You may know someone that started at the same time as you and has propelled their business forward much faster than yours. The bitterness or envy can creep in quickly. But when our presenter spoke these words, you could feel the self-realization in the room.
The more I think about it, the more I realize that this is true of ALL aspects of life. We are where we are because of the time and effort we have put into each area of our lives. WE control our actions and therefor we control our results!!! Pretty empowering, eh?!
5. I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
This business seemed a little silly to me when I started. I was apprehensive about it being a multi level marketing company until I found out we have a A+ rating with the BBB. I was apprehensive about not being skinny or super fit until I realized that more people related to ME and my struggles than the ideal version of me that lives in my brain. I was apprehensive that this business would be full of self-centered selfie takers until I realized that it was full of tons of selfless and kind selfie takers (LOL).
I cannot wait to see what the next year brings. My ticket is booked for Summit 2016. Mark my words, I'll have a team of amazing coaches with me. I'll earn that on stage recognition. Me and my team - we will make BIG things happen in the next 12 months!!! Will you join us?!?
PS fill out this form for more info on joining us NOW! :)
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