In my 7 months of motherhood, I have learned so much about myself, about just how amazing my husband is (shh, don't tell him I said that), and about LIFE.
I have learned that what were the hardest and most stressful times in my life before becoming a mom were NOTHING compared to hearing your baby cry and not being able to soothe him immediately, and NOTHING compared being rushed down a hall for an emergency c-section. I have learned that tired is relative - sleeping "only" 7 hours no longer qualifies in my book as a reason to be tired... in fact, I believe that now qualifies as a vacation. I've learned just how much you can love and want to protect another human being.
All of those amazing things about motherhood have me thinking lately about what life was like before I entered the mom-club. It's hard to even remember sometimes. There is a lot about life before motherhood that I do think of and wish for now. But those days are gone...
Gone are the days of sleeping in until 10:00. (Or even 7:00).
Gone are the days of taking long, hot showers.
Gone are the days of deciding to head out to dinner at 8PM.
Gone are the days of binge watching television shows.
Gone are the days of last minute planning.
Gone are the days of eating out 5 nights a week.
Gone are the days of going to the movies on a whim.
Gone are the days of running quick errands and leaving the house with just one bag.
Gone are the days of disposable income.
Gone are the days of perky boobs.
Gone are the days of spending hours getting ready to go out for a night.
Gone are the days of privacy and peeing alone.
Gone are the days of peace and quiet.
Gone are the days of having a sharp memory.
Gone are the days of spontaneity.
Gone are the days of selfishness.
These are the days of sleeplessness.
These are the days of the 5 minute shower.
These are the days of yoga pants.
These are the days of saggy boobs.
These are the days of planning ahead.
These are the days of packing a bag to run to the drug store.
These are the days of Mickey Mouse and Paw Patrol.
These are the days of bottles and finger foods.
These are the days of peeing with an audience.
These are the days of endless noise.
But these are also really great days...
These are the days of joyful laughter.
These are the days of memories that last a life time.
These are the days of precious moments.
These are the days of unending learning and growing.
These are the days of overwhelming, heart-melting, awe-inspiring, gratefulness and unconditional love.
All in all, I'd say these days are pretty much as good as it gets, wouldn't you, momma?
What a beautiful distillation of what's really important in life. -JB